Life ManYOUal
Life ManYOUal. Unfurling Your Highest Creative Expression
This is a Book I loved writing. It draws upon real Life Coaching case studies and provides tools and techniques to set out a simple system of living the life that brings us to our daily highest purpose and well-being.
This book provides a different perspective on life challenges and allows you to take the harsh edge away, so you can navigate better.
There are no medals for doing the things in life that readers can change today and live better and happier. They can practice the principles in my book and make that slight shift that helps them and fixes what requires tweaking in their life.
So...Life does come with a Manual and here it is.
Life ManYOUal is a ‘Life DIY user manual,’ with very doable tenets on how to simplify and evolve through your everyday challenges and struggles.
Here is your handbook to embracing life. Go into the world and conquer your fears, challenges and your ego-mind. Don’t spend your one life experimenting, being stuck or running out of time trying. See proof of the processes described in Life ManYOUal as you adopt them in your own life. Read stories of people like you, who understood the ‘practicable and practical theory’ and brought about powerful shifts in their lives. Be one of those people.
Life ManYOUal is your evolution.
YOU are your highest potential, right this second.